MESH 桌面视频

June 6, 2022

MESH 桌面视频

MESH 办公桌被设计成一种混合办公桌,可以适应成为办公桌,并且可以快速清理干净,用作客厅的桌子、自助餐或展示件。 它的灵感来自最近的“居家办公”运动,旨在为在主要生活空间中配备办公桌提供解决方案。 办公桌有两个工作层 – 典型办公桌的所有凌乱和杂乱都保留在较低的水平,可以滑入和滑出,并且可以在工作时间结束时轻松隐藏。 电动支架可将大尺寸显示屏从隐藏式面板中抬起,从而可以选择拥有大型工作屏幕或将其收起以显示视图或仅在工作时间之外隐藏屏幕。 用于可更换 3D 打印可互换组件的插槽以及用于放置钢笔和铅笔的孔都集成在桌子的顶部表面。 屏幕面板的两侧还可以找到两个存储面板,用于存储固定装置以及与电源和数据的链接。







Mesh Desk

Mesh Desk Prototype

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Sean is an Architect registered in New York State, USA, and a member of the American Institute of Architects since 2013. Born in West Palm Beach, Florida, he has lived and worked in Kentucky, New York City, and currently Hong Kong. He has previous experience at several international design architecture firms including Studio Libeskind and UNStudio. Sean has a wide range of experience working on high-profile commercial, residential and cultural projects throughout Asia, Europe, and the USA.