干溪小屋 20 周年!

17 7 月, 2022
17 7 月, 2022 STE - AD

干溪小屋 20 周年!

Dry Creek Cabin 由 STE-AD 于 2002 年设计和建造。


为了庆祝我们上周在美国拜访朋友和家人时住在这里。 这所房子得到了维护,状况良好。 完成后,有些东西发生了变化,但实验本质仍然存在!






  1. 混凝土墙的曲率旨在使其能够自我支撑,其灵感来自北美发现的分体式围栏
  2. 内部的大部分木材由肯塔基州破旧农舍的再生木材组成
  3. 屋顶由白色的 Duro-last 屋顶膜制成,可反射阳光 – 在夏日的阳光下触感凉爽
  4. 这所房子从地基墙到屋顶使用了一种灵活的喷涂泡沫绝缘材料——它就像一个倒置的冷却器
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STEAD is an architectural practice founded by Sean T Ellis, AIA in 2021 in Hong Kong. Having gained experience working for several prominent, international Architecture Firms, STE-AD was founded in order to prioritize a few key elements of Architecture: Sustainability To focus effort and research on reducing carbon footprint within Architecture and the built environment Modularity To make components of Architecture repeatable, yet customizable, to reduce cost and potentially benefit Sustainability Design To push design further and create beautiful and provocative places and objects will always be at the forefront of what we do