由纪之泷 1 & 2

30 5 月, 2022
30 5 月, 2022 Sean

由纪之泷 1 & 2

在我们的网页上查看 Yuki No Taki 1 和 2:

雪之泷 1

由纪之泷 2

Yuki No Taki 的意思是“雪瀑布”——这是对房子后面的阳台和白雪覆盖的屋顶的文字游戏。 这些 152 平方米的住宅包含 3 间卧室、2 间浴室、一个大型滑雪室、业主锁定和地下停车场。 与 Hibiki House 相似,它们是游览羊蹄山的滑雪爱好者的理想住所。

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Sean is an Architect registered in New York State, USA, and a member of the American Institute of Architects since 2013. Born in West Palm Beach, Florida, he has lived and worked in Kentucky, New York City, and currently Hong Kong. He has previous experience at several international design architecture firms including Studio Libeskind and UNStudio. Sean has a wide range of experience working on high-profile commercial, residential and cultural projects throughout Asia, Europe, and the USA.