Giuseppe Momo 的“Bramante”楼梯

24 7 月, 2022
24 7 月, 2022 STE - AD

Giuseppe Momo 的“Bramante”楼梯

‘布拉曼特’ Giuseppe Momo 的楼梯 1932 年,意大利梵蒂冈城国梵蒂冈博物馆。 灵感来自 1505 年多纳托·布拉曼特 (Donato Bramante) 的原作。 今天仍然很重要,有人说它启发了纽约古根海姆的设计。

双剪刀楼梯是倾斜的,最初设计于 1505 年,目的是允许人和动物不间断的双向交通。

建于 1932 年的现代版本采用华丽的金属制品,似乎减轻了双螺旋。

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STEAD is an architectural practice founded by Sean T Ellis, AIA in 2021 in Hong Kong. Having gained experience working for several prominent, international Architecture Firms, STE-AD was founded in order to prioritize a few key elements of Architecture: Sustainability To focus effort and research on reducing carbon footprint within Architecture and the built environment Modularity To make components of Architecture repeatable, yet customizable, to reduce cost and potentially benefit Sustainability Design To push design further and create beautiful and provocative places and objects will always be at the forefront of what we do